
Lima Puluh Dua

phew.. been a while since my last post. >.<
got many blessings i wanna share here actually, but i must *wif shame* admit, that i was 'lazy' to write here.. things happened and guess am losing the sense of gratitude! *huff.. notgood!! :(

well.. wish i can have my pc on my pocket. or maybe my brain can have 'online' connection with my pc. so, wheneva i got blessings, i cud just directly write it here and share it wif you guys. ahahhahaa.. 

anyway, too many things i wanna share here, dunno where to start.. but maybe this cud be a 'simple recap' for what i've gotten these past few weeks.

i was so upset lately.. cos things din go as i wish it shud be.. i lost my happiness, lost my 'pride' *yea, right*, lost my confidence.. *fiuh*, felt i've failed everyone *also myself*.  this is soooo not good.. i din even rememba the tagline on this blog, 'a reason a day to give thanks'. cudnt find a good reason for that.. *huff*. but in the end.. actually i just lost my sense of gratitude! *tadaaaa*. but than i realized.. why shud i? got so many things i shud be grateful of.. and then, on last sermon i was reminded again.. that 'the real joy is when you GIVE not when you get!' yeap! i shud be grateful when i can give to others.. *share things here, for example. (>o,)* and shudnt be so "lame", when i din get what i wanted or wished for. everything happens for a reason. i am what i am and who i am for a reason. hardly to understand, just have to accept it. ;)

it's the last day of the year.. wish that we can share more things here and be blessed to be a blessing for each other. thank you all, for the chance to share things here.  b-gR8ful always! have a merry 'early' new year. :)

"have faith that what happens is for the best.. 
whether you understand it or not"


"SULIT,blom tntu tidak bs"

Susah, blom tntu tidak bisa ...???...hmmmm....

Taoen 2010 segera berakhirrr....Thx God. Puji Tuhannnn....hahaha.... ga sabar mau 2011..*dengan harapan tdk sperti 2010... :D..
pertama-tama mau bersyukur kalau 2010 boleh berlalu dengan sangat cepat, bersyukur disaat yang amat sangat"buntu", Babe ga pernh diam...

Tahun 2010 a/ tahun yg sulit bagi g, tp sadar ga sadar g bisa melwti itu smua pstinya ga sndiri,tp sm si BABE.. :) Pastinya ditmbah dgn postve thnkng, percaya bhwa, apa yg g hdpin saat ini, itu semua sudah DIA ijinkn terjadi. bukn karna Dia iseng tentunya.. :D.. tp ada somethng yg sdg Dia persiapkn bt g...( istilahnya menyenangkn diri sendiri,dikala "T.T"..haha...).. Pd intinya..memang sangat sulit, tp g bs.. :D..

uda pd tau lah ya. stiap rancangan dan waktu Tuhan bagi kita itu berbeda dgn apa yg kita rncanakan, ga slalu bs sama dgn apa yg kita ingini. jd pd dsrnya kita ga tau apa2, kita bs berencana,tp tetep DIA yang ACC (bisa di acc,ditolak, ato dipending ).hahaha... JADIIII...tetap nempel sm BABE, B-gR8ful slalu..even hal buruk sekalipun..SULIT,hmmm..bisa lah..ya ga c uc??. :D


Lima Puluh Satu

fiuuuuuh... been a week since my last post! soriiii.. hectic banget minggu ni. cape fisik-otak-ati.. thank goodness this week almost through. :D

niwei, these past two days were not nice days for me *if you dont wanna say its 'bad'*. dikerjain panas dan ujan, di'kerjain' orang, i hardly eat.. hardly sleep.. really exhausted. but, the good thing is.. i din lose my control! waaa... for those who knows me well.. this really is a good thing! hahhahaha... yea, at least i could mind my words, control my low voice eventhough that time i really want to 'telen that annoying people idup2'. heheheh.. :p am grateful for that. hopefully i can keep being like that *under control*.. need that.. at least for the next full month. *huff

do pray for me, pleaseee... thanks all! :)



Akhirnya bisa nge-post lagi di sini setelah sekian lama. Sorry banget jadi kurang aktif nulis di sini, belakangan sibuk ini itu, persiapan natal gereja (yg akhirnya selesai juga hari Sabtu kemarin), dll. UAS juga uda semakin dekat, ujian semakin dekat... SAYA PUN JUGA CEPAT PULANG KE TANAH AIR! :D

Yeah, I am going home (AGAIN) next month after my final exams, I thought before that I will spend my holiday-trembling alone in a winter season like this in my dorm room, alf of my friends also my two roomates are going back to their hometown too. Its phery gud ahh *speak it with singaporean accent!* my parents let me go home next year, yeah! So, wait me home, friends :D

Sharing hari ini, aku pengen share renungan aku kemarin pagi, sih... judulnya "Sumber Dari Sebuah Dampak", bacaannya dari Kisah Para Rasul 4:1-13. Yang aku dapet dari renungan ini simple aja, kita sebagai anak-anak Tuhan diminta untuk bisa memberikan dampak yang positif bagi orang-orang di sekitar kita. Dampak positif yang kita 'tularin' ke mereka, bisa menjadi contoh yang baik dan kita akan menjadi berkat. Kalau menurut aku sendiri, aku belum cukup baik untuk menjadi dampak yang positif buat orang-orang di sekitar aku. Terkadang aku masih nggak bisa berbuat sesuatu yang bisa menjadi berkat. Intinya, diri kita sendiri harus benar dulu di hadapan Allah, setelah itu kita baru bisa menjadi dampak yang baik bagi mereka.

Kalau kalian sendiri gimana? Apakah kalian sudah bisa menjadi dampak yang positif bagi orang-orang di sekitar? (:


Lima Puluh

to everything there's a season, 
and a time for every purpose under the Heaven
Ecclesiastes 3:1

"B-gR8ful always!"

walk by faith

hm.. blakangan ni kalimat di atas 'terngiang2' trus di kepala. n hari ni makin 'kenceng' aja tu kalimat muter2 di kepala ampe resep di ati. hari ni ngalamin yg namanya 'walk by faith'.. tersurat dan tersirat. xD

first.. i used to go to sunday service at noon time, rada males kalo ikut yg sore. but today, karna ada urusan, ga bisa ikut ibadah yg siang. then, tadi sore when i was going to attend the sunday service, ujan gedeeeeeee banget. perasaan uda ga enak banget, sole dr siang mo pegi ga jadi. sore masa ga jadi jg. ga ibadah duuunk.. >.< *dunno why, skrg ni klo ga ibadah, kekny ada 'feeling guilty inside'. eventhough ibadahny itu cuma 'yg penting duduk di gereja', but somehow it's relieving.* i then asked GOD, 'please stop the rain.. at least for 30 minutes on my way there. beneran mo ke gereja nih.. if You really want me to go, then please stop the rain.' itu kondisiny ujan masi gede bener. *ude ga mo ngarep bs brenti dalam wkt 10 menit deh.. >.< in 10 minutes, ujanny reda.. lum brenti, tp jauh lebih kecil turunnya. ni masi rada 'males' kuar, sole da sminggu sakit pala n lg rada ga enak badan, baru bis keujanan jg, klo dihantem nekad ujan2an lagi, bs tepar. n that's the last thing i need for at least a month ahead. tp dgn 'PD'-ny, i prepared myself, trus telpon ojek buat anter pergi. *again.. masi ujan rintik2 mayan rapet kondisinya* dalam ati rada 'ngeluh', duh.. basah lagi deh.. bakalan kedinginan lagi di gereja. @.< but you know what? by the time i opened my gate, ujanny brenti aja dink! \(^o^)/ and aaaaaaaallllll the way to church.. asli kering bener. ga telat pula sayaaaa.. *biasa telat. hihihihi.. xp

second.. there's always a reason for everything.. 
i din go to sunday service last week. ada feeling guilty jg, tp hr ni dunno why ada dorongan yg bgitu kuat buat 'kudu harus pegi'.. eventhough lagi ujan badai. well.. got the answer in the service. (>o,) 
to be honest, lately bener2 lagi bergumul ama idup.. masalah kerja, sosial, komitmen, bla.. bla.. bla.. n i had many questions in my head. questions and struggles yg sebenerny dari dulu bolak-balik 'attacking' me. :( and today.. got another encouragement to move on n live to the fullest. today's preach lebi mirip sesi 'konsultasi pribadi' scara yg diomongin itu asli nembak tepat ke sasaran. *youknowwhatimean* xD and the magic words came out again! "walks by faith.. and lives by faith". phew.. what a day! (>,)

eniweiiii.. am grateful for today. it's true! we can neva understand GOD's mysterious plan for us.  
Neva question bout the plan, just walk by faith! (^o^)

"For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, 
“plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."
Jeremiah 29:11 - GOD's Word Translation


Forty Eight

hm.. been a week since my last post. 
dont have much to say today.. got bad headache attack for more than a week. fortunately, still could have my works done well. am grateful for that. 

not all things run as i'd like it to be.. but all is well. 

enuf for today, hopefully i can post sumthing tomorrow. really exhausted and not feeling well.. gotta prepare myself for my next projects and dont think i'll get enuf rest during the month ahead. >.<

*makasiiiih.. masi ada kerjaan, walo hectic banget rasanya.


B-gr8ful always!

hm.. what shud i say for today yah? 

well.. life's been ups and downs lately. yea.. yea.. you may say, it always does.. but my life's been 'flat' these past few years. so, actually.. maybe it's a good thing to have ups and downs. feels er... ALIVE! :D

i almost forget how it's like to have the 'ups and downs'. exhausting.. yet exciting. sumtimes it feels hard.. like how i felt lately. but i try to stand firm and keep on my words.. to always be grateful no matter what happened. fortunately.. dunno if its because the 'thanksgiving day euphoria'.. but, so many people talked bout 'give thanks-be grateful' this week. phew.. so touching me. (>o<) 

thank you all.. whoeva you are, whether you did it on purpose or you din.. unwittingly you've lifted me up and gave me strength to move on. :)

again.. like the note i just wrote here, i just can say..

life is always about choices
what's your choice?


Forty Six

"when you're grumpy and start to complain
there's only one problem:
you lose the sense of gratitude!"


for better..
for worse..
no matter how hard it is
#tryto! b-gr8ful always! 


Happy Thanksgiving :))

"Whatever happens, give thanks, because it is God’s will in Christ Jesus that you do this." -1 Thessalonians 5:18-

thanks C'uc for making this blog.. (ayat di atas jg kutipan dr ayat mas blog ini) haha...

Happy Thanksgiving everyone :))

"although sumtimes it seems like life's treated us so bad..
keep in mind, there's always sumthing that we can be grateful for :)

cheer up!!!


love always,

Forty Five

the world rotates
seasons change
tho no matter how hard it is
yet the best season STILL comes
when you can give thanks in all things

"Happy Thanksgiving!"


Forty Four

'careful wif what you ask to God!'
hm.. sounds familiar? ;)

yea.. yea.. this phrase suits me now. >.<
i've made an important decision few days ago.. not a big leap,. it's a pending step actually. and the next day, langsung diuji aja boooo.. really.. it almost made me down again. but am lucky to have my brother around. wish i can do sumthing to pay him back. *oops! yeap.. careful wif what you wish for! :D am given 'the time to pay him back' now. and really.. this is not easy! but am trying to do my best to be a good sister for him. phew.. wish me luck, all! and hoping everything's gonna be alright.  

"may GOD be with us!" :)


Forty Three

"but i don't give to get a blessing.
i give to be a blessing. 
do you see the difference there?"


Forty Two

had a simple-short-quality time wif my nephews. 
*makasiiiiih... biar cuma bentar, we're having fun indeed. \(^o^)/


Forty One

bangun kepagian *banget* gara2 nightmare..
*mpe sekarang jantung kekny mo copot klo inget tu mimpi. @.@

niwei.. last week 'theme' was 'be gentle and humble of heart' n this week week 'theme' seems to be 'nahan diri' and 'prayer'. gi blajar untuk nahan diri, in all things.. emosi, ego, lidah, sikap, bla.. bla.. bla.. sumtimes ga sukses.. n mostly hard to do. but am grateful.. susah bukan brarti ga bisa dilakuin. well.. got the 'reward' buat niat yg dijalanin itu. hahahaha.. hubunganny ma prayer? well.. i do believe.. -n kmrn ni baru 'diteguhkan' lagi- what-who-how i am now.. it's all because there's always someone praying for me. *maybe you're one of 'em! ;)* and the other thing is.. prayer DOES have power. tho i dont think i do it in 'correct way' nowadays.. but i know that i've been heard by Abba Father. *alleluia* \(^o^)/

*makasiiiiiih... a great blessing to have ya'all who always pray for me. 

"susah.. bukan brarti ga bisa dilakuin..
berat.. bukan berarti ga bisa dijalanin..
life IS beautiful..
you just need to see it with a smile"



in a 'blue' time.. these words are really comforting..

"Pleasant words are like honey.
      They are sweet to the spirit and bring healing to the body."
Proverbs 16:25 - New International Reader's Version


Tiga Puluh Sembilan

hm.. hr ni cuma mo share quote that i got from my friend.. 
this is really nice.. cekidot: 

"seorang PEMENANG bukan berarti tidak pernah kalah, 
tetapi selalu bangkit dari kekalahan 
dan terus berjuang untuk menyelesaikan PERTANDINGAN

seorang yang TERBAIK bukan berarti tidak pernah berbuat salah, 
namun selalu belajar dalam setiap hal 
untuk memperbesar KAPASITASNYA

dan seorang yang LUAR BIASA adalah 
mereka  yang tidak pernah menyesali 
adanya kelemahan dan kekurangannya
tetapi selalu MEMAKSIMALKAN 

grateful ;-)

thanks GOD for sunny bright day today ;-) and not to forget about last night waktu aye keliling2 naek ojeg tiba2 ada truk yang langsung ambil kiri haduh aye udah langsung merem bener2 udah pasrah akan apa yang bakalan terjadi , tapi entah bagaimana mobil itu ngambil kanan lagi , dan baru beberapa detik setelah kejadian itu aye bener2 sadar itu bener2 kemurahan dari TUHAN , terima kasih TUHAN untuk penyertaanMU ;-) JESUS is the best forever and ever ;-)


Tiga Puluh Delapan

baru aja lewatin pagi yg 'berat'
*makasiiiih... we can make it thru 'da rain'.

"smoga ke depanny lebi baik lagi." [-o<


Tiga Puluh Tujuh

gonna have a busy weekend, so just drop by to post this..

i was reviewing my old posts, when i found this.. 
a good quote to remind me in my situation now,

"when God give you an important things in your life, 
never embrace it too tight, 
so the moment He wants it back 
it wont be hard for you to let it go."

have a blessed day, everyone.. ! (>o^)


maaf..dah lama ga buka blog..
karena belakangan ini lumayan sibuk..

yang dapat kusyukuri yach?
mungkin di hari sabtu kemarin..

pas sabtu kemarin sore..
gw hampir aja berakhir di rumah sakit dengan tangan kanan patah karena disenggol motor..
Kok bisa?

gimana kronologisnya?

jadi pas kira2x jam setengah 6 gw keluar dari rumah.
dah ke jalan besar mau naik bajai..
Eh..kebetulan mobil yang dibawa adikku pulang..ya jalan pulang lagi buat ambil mobil.
Nah..pas gw mau masuk ke mobil..dari belakangku..melaju motor dengan kecepatan lumayanlah..dan menyenggol tangan serta tasku ketarik..
Tapi anehnya..tanganku ga luka ama sekali..dan tasku yang ketarik.
coba bayangkan klo gw agak keluar dikit lagi ?apa ga patah tuch tangan?

nach..setelah terkena..tuch motor yang nabrak berhenti dan sepertinya mau marah2x dan manggil gw..Untung aja pas waktu itu gw ga emosi..dan malah bersyukur karena ga terjadi apa2x..jadi yach ga mau memperpanjang masalah..dan cuekin mereka lalu masuk ke mobil..

ssewaktu di perjalanan..ku merenung..Kok aneh yach yang ketarik kencang itu tas gw.padahal tasku di samping depan tangan kanan gw..Jadi menurutku..ada kemungkinan mereka mau ngejambret tasku..
Itu adalah 2 yang mesti kusyukuri terjadi apa2x denganku.2.tasku serta isinya aman2x aja.

Tiga Puluh Enam

bangun pagi dengan perasaan kacau. @.@

take a deep breath.. over and over and over again..
nyoba merasa dengan logika dan mikir dengan perasaan 
try to be gentle and humble of heart 
and learn to lean on GOD.

*makasiiih.. walopun berat, masi bisa ambil keputusan dengan kepala jernih. 

'smoga bisa tetep komit jalanin. [-o<

"Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, 
for I am gentle and humble in heart, 
and you will find rest for your souls."
Matthew 11:29 - NIV


berkat yang jahat? Be gentle and humble of heart!

hum.. judul yg aneh yak? :p 
well.. tadiny mikir mo kasi judul yang mana. but then i decided to put it both.. karena berkaitan juga ma topiknya. 

bole dibilang.. this is 'theme of the month'. why do i say that? well.. if you see my post here, i put a bible verse from 2 chronicles 7:14. before i put it there, saw that verse on my social network wall. then, last sunday.. this verse also came out. put an underline in the sentence ".... will humble themselves, .. then I will hear their prayer from heaven, forgive their sins and ... " BINGO! it's talking bout a humble heart and blessing. :)

bbrapa minggu ni, kalimat2 ni muncul terus. ga akan berpanjang-lebar jelasin, tp intinya adalah GOD's will to bless you is bigger than your will to be blessed. so, sbenerny kita ga perlu 'bersusah-payah' buat minta berkat lebih. it's provided a'dy for us! but.. to gain that.. there's one condition: we've gotta have a 'new heart'! Why so? karena berkat bisa sekaligus menjadi ujian, berkat menjadi berkat yang jahat waktu kita ga siap untuk nerima berkat itu. For example.. pemenang lotere mendapat berkat dari kemenangannya itu. tapi kala hatinya ga siap buat nerima berkat itu, akhirny berkat menjadi ujian.. mungkin duluny dia ga suka berjudi, jadi berjudi. ga suka mabuk2an, skrg ga bs lepas dr botol minuman keras.. and so on.. and so on. the blessing becomes an evil blessing. untuk bisa 'siap nrimo' berkat, we shud have a gentle and humble of heart.

brapa hari lalu, i posted sumthing here, bout abundant blessing i've gotten. well, it surely is the thing which GOD has prepared for me. for it's what i need not what i want. then today.. sumthing happened.. the abundant blessing became 'evil'. disadari ato ga.. sepertinya 'what i need is becoming what i want'. am not 'ready' for this blessing. jd kyk OKB deh.. *halah* >.< then i rememba my status i posted this morning, "juli, be gentle and humble of heart'" wew.. beneran deh.. masa langsung diuji gitu yak? @.@ asli loh.. begitu inget tu status, jd kepikir, koq bisa yaaaa.. pasang status itu? eniwei.. maybe it's also part of the BIG PLAN that had been prepared for me. ^^

right now, by the time am writing this.. pikiran masi rada kacau balau.. tata bahasa jd brantakan *harapmaklum*. niwei.. i learn sumthing today.. that GOD has provided blessings for me, i dont have to ask for more. 

c'mooon.. 一定要加油, 幼丝!


Tiga Puluh Empat

OK! that's it! am overwhelmed! this is too much!
neva ask things like this, 
but YOU surely know what i need more than i do. 

abundant blessings.. 
that i neva thought before.. 
and maybe i dont deserve it at all.. 
yet YOU still give it to me. 

speechless.. just can say,
*makasiiiiiiiiih.... *

"But as it is written, 
Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, 
neither have entered into the heart of man, 
the things which God hath prepared for them that love him."
1 Corinthians 2:9 - KJV


Tiga Puluh Tiga

memulai hari ni wif a simple-fun-exciting chat that brings smile.
*makasiiiiiiih... *

'what a blessing to have you around, bro..' :)


bersyukur dan berbahagia

Bersyukur Dan Berbahagia
Selalu bersyukur akan membuat kita berbahagia , beberapa cerita berikut ini menggambarkannya …
Begitu memasuki mobil mewahnya , seorang direktur bertanya kepada sopir pribadinya , ‘bagaimana kira – kira cuaca hari ini ?’ si sopir menjawab ‘cuaca hari ini adalah cuaca yang saya sukai’ merasa penasaran dengan jawaban tersebut , direktur ini bertanya lagi , ‘bagaimana kamu bisa begitu yakin?’ sopirnya menjawab ‘begini pak , saya sudah belajar bahwa saya tak selalu mendapatkan apa yang saya sukai, karena itu saya selalu menyukai apapun yang saya dapatkan’ jawaban singkat tadi merupakan wujud perasaan syukur , syukur merupakan kualitas hati yang terpenting , dengan bersyukur kita akan senantiasa diliputi rasa damai , tenteram , dan bahagia , sebaliknya , perasaan tak bersyukur akan senantiasa membebani kita akan selalu merasa kurang dan tak bahagia


Life is always about choices

life is always about choices
to be grateful is one of the choice you make. 

"Whatever happens, give thanks, 
because it is God’s will in Christ Jesus that you do this."


im so blessed ;-)

hi everybody , i just back from bible conference second day , its so helpful , thank you GOD for the chance to attend it , and most of all thank you GOD for remind me about life is full of choices , that is kind of uc's title all the time at yahoo messanger , but that is absolutely right , our live depends on what kind of choice we choose ;-) take care all ;-)



hi everybody , hanya kemurahan dari TUHAN lah saya bisa menghadiri bible conference , baru saja saya keluar dari rumah , hujan turun dengan sangat deras dan lebatnya , alhasil saya tiba di gereja dengan jaket dan celana panjang basah selutut ;-p thanks GOD for the chance that i can attend the bible conference ;-)

blessing ;-)

hi everybody , uc told me to dont forget to put title , but i really dont know how to make title on what i am posting so i just leave that part ehhehehe i want to share about the trip to bandung , one that i already posted a few days ago , so here the case , begitu bangun tidur saya lihat handphone untuk lihat jam berapa , ternyata saya dapat sms dari suster yang menjaga nenek saya, yang meminta saya untuk menelpon segera dan penting , saya langsung telpon dia , dia tanya tentang obat penawar sakit , karena semalaman nenek tidak bisa tidur karena tangannya sakit , jujur pikiran saya masih blank , masih belum bisa dipake untuk berpikir , lalu saya berbicara sejenak dengan mama saya , masih dengan rasa mengambang , entah bagaimana tiba2 saya bilang ke mama saya nama obatnya dan saya langsung memberitahukannya kembali pada suster nama obat yang nenek perlukan , setelah menutup handphone saya sadar , bahwa yang barusan terjadi adalah 1000 % bantuan dari Roh Kudus , bukan bermaksud untuk sok rohani atau bagaimana tapi itulah yang terjadi dan saya sangat sangat berterima kasih atas bantuan TUHAN yang tepat pada waktunya , JESUS , YOU ARE THE BEST FOREVER AND EVER ;-)

thank you LORD

hi everybody , i just want to say GOD is very kind to each of us , sungguh luar biasa penyertaan TUHAN , segala yang kita perbuat berhasil , jika TUHAN menghendaki hal itu ;-) four thumbs up for DADDY in HEAVEN ;-)


been a while..

holaa.. akhirnya saya kembaliii...
selama ini inet msh dangdutan.. maklumm.. diriku blm bnr2 purchase punya sndr inetnya.. akan sgra diuruss.. huahhh..

anyway, i'm grateful for my friends here oso, walopun msh ga sedeket tmn2 indo, tp kita *sum of us..* sering dukung n ksh link2 renungan yg nguatin :) i'm thanking GOD for them..

i thank GOD for my friends di indo and di china.. walo jauh di mata, tp lengket di hati.. -bener banget!!- i love you guysss.. and themm..

maap ya ini jd ky list of thank GOD.. soalnya uda lama ga nulis2 dsini..

byk banget penyertaan TUhan la alamin.. one of them is di kntor juga.. akhir2 ini lembur terus pulang jm9 more or less.. sering brasa capee... but then, i think i really shud be grateful krn msh byk org yg berharap bisa kerja tp ga dpt2 kerja.. huahh...

Thank You JESUS CHRIST for simply evrything i've been thru here.. :)

new day ;-)

hi everybody , today i want to thank GOD , for the wonderful day , a sunny bright day ;-)


Tiga Puluh Satu

waaa... ditinggal bbrapa hari, tnyata da ada bbrapa sharing dr yg lain. *senengseneng* \(^o^)/

hm.. skrg ga bs posting terlalu banyak dulu, still have lotsa things to do. niwei, i just wanna thank you all.. and be grateful karena tnyata masi ada yg mo share di blog ni. kemaren2 ude sempet 'desperate' *halah.. lebay,com*, koq kekny terlantar bener ni blog. not because i want this blog to be 'exist', tp lebi ke fungsinya. tell me that am selfish.. but i think you feel the same way too, when we share this kinda thing *how we try to give thx in all things*, kita seperti dapet 'doping' yg bisa 'boost-up' our spirit to live a better life. no matter how hard it is.. life is fun actually, when we know how to deal with it.. how to give thx in all things. waktu kita -me, actually- liat how ya'all give thanks with your life.. it gives me spirit, encourage me to have the same way.

sperti yg noph bilang, "sahabat adalah hadiah terindah".. tp kadang kita dibatasi ama ruang, jarak n waktu. so, mari kita manfaatkan kemajuan teknologi.. we are the best gift God gives to our friends. am looking forward for more shares from you. *koqjdkekpromosiyak*. hahahaha.. well.. you know what i meant laaar.. >.^

more stories bout me later, now i gotta prepare for my routines daily life. wish me luck! ^^

"seorang sahabat menaruh kasih setiap waktu
dan menjadi seorang saudara dalam kesukaran"

b-gr8ful always! (^o^)


Babe kiteee...

sudah lama saia tak hadir diblog ini, huaaa....

thx BABE pertama2, buat liburn lebaran yang cukup sangat menyenangkan, dari yang jauh..smpe yng dekat ( Bandung ).

1. thx buat penyertaanya akan perjalan yang jauh itu, berlibur sendiri, hahaha....
2. thx BABE, karna acara Bandungnya berjaln dgn baik. Tertawa bersama, geblek2an bareng, pokoke 4 hri 3 malam trip bersama teman2 yang asik ( ko rich, ciren, desyan, stef, hery, cinov, n agus ), klo tanpa BABE , g yakin perjalanan kita ga mungkin bisa selancar dan seasik ini. dari yang susahnya cari villa, Puji BABE, kita bs dapet villa yang buagus, nyaman, asik, dan yg terpenting MURAH... (enak kn, serba OK, murah lagi. ahahah... itu karna Dia...

* ) Hal kecil yang slalu g syukuri adalah sahabat, klo ad org srg blg, " shbt a/ hadiah terindh dr Tuhan bt kita ", amin dan amin dan amin bngt bt g... ad amin bt tmn2 yg lain? :D

- tentang liburan berakhir sudah -

masuk ke chapter berikutnya...hahah...
akhir2 ini lagi pusingin beberapa persoalan, dari yang kecil smpe besar, dari yang mudah smpe sulit, dari yang bikin cepet tidur gr2 males mikirin smpe yang boeat ga bs tidur gara2 kepikiran.. :O ( lebay dikit..hahaha....)
tapi satu hal mudah yang slalu g ingt dan salalu g praktekin a/ g akan mengangkat tangan g tinggi2 berserah sm BABE ( bbrp detik ),berdoa sejenak dan tarik nafas lalu buang perlahan2..hufff....lalu tersenyumm..haha.... **
** ini cara gua ya.. :D

memang aneh, tapi dicoba dhe..haha.... karna bagi g, ketika kita mengangkat tangan kita tanda berserah kepada Babe, tangannya Babe juga akan turun atas kita, intinya berserah... bigimanapun juga, i'm nothing without BABE... :D

g ga suka bngt sama dangdut, tapi terkadang g jadi suka mempraktekan salah satu lagu dangdut yg masih ngetrend thu. " jatuh bangun aku ".. haha...jkjkjk.. :D... terkadang saya jatuh jatuh dan jatuh lagi...tapi tak bosan2nya BABE angkat angkat dan angkat g lgi. asal kita berse...???rahhh... :D... bnr bngt ya.
i'm nothing without BABE... :D
*Berserah saja juga tak cukup, next step adlh PERCAYA, klo ga percaya, ya susah..
*bagi g, ini hal yang tidak mudah, tapi BISA !... :D

kata terakhir ya... :D

BABE ku tiada duanyaaaaaa...... :D

*mci bnyk si, tp ntar2 lagi dhe ya... :D
BABE bless youuu... :D


allo semua , ini pertama kalinya saya belajar nulis di blog ehheheheh i want to give thanks to GOD for the wonderful trip , semua orang bilang kalo weekend ke Bandung itu pasti macet super macet malah , tapi berkat kemurahan hati dari TUHAN , perjalanan lancar dari Jakarta hingga ke Bandung hingga kembali lagi ke Jakarta , tanpa kekurangan suatu apapun , malahan , yang ada , bertambah dengan banyaknya snack dan makanan yang ditemukan dan dimakan dimanapun saya dan teman2 saya berada hehehehe


Oay.. :D

haha.. as expected of me, saya lupaa... haha.. thanx for reminding me C'UC. *wari* :p
saya bahkan lupa password gmail saya.. harus recover dulu.. *aiyoo*

well..well.. just wanna give thanx to Him and all who supported me in any way, I'm working now. :P
finally feeling productive, stlh skian lama makan-tidur-baca-jalan2 dan jamuran di rumah.. :(
walopun ad bbrp hal yg sptnya belum ideal about this job, i still like this job. :) hopefully I can be a blessing in my office. *Amen*

Have a great day friends, and thanks for keep sharing the blessings. :D
Keep close to Him. :)


uwaaa, it's for a long time yaa nggak post di sini.
pardon me, semester tiga is killing me, huhu ):
tugas2 nggak pernah berhenti ditambah kegiatan di luar kampus.

well, hari ini hari Sabtu, ada perayaan ultah Youth di gereja sini yang kedua.
kami para pengerja Youth kerja keras buat hari ini, hahaha!
nanti siang aku sama teman2 komsel mau masak buat konsumsi spesial hari ini yaitu, ala prasmanan! jadi masing2 komsel ada tugas untuk masak, tema masakan kita pastinya makanan Indonesia dong. Ada yang masak nasi kuning, ayam goreng kuning, perkedel kentang, dan komselku kebagian bikin mie goreng dan goreng kerupuk udang indo itu loh, hahaha!
aku belajar beberapa hal sih dari persiapan acara ultah ini dari bulan lalu, gimana kita semua (SEMUA loh) mengeluarkan ide2 yang oke banget demi acara ini. ternyata anak2 muda Youth jaman sekarang kreatif banget, hahaha! (pastinya dong!). walaupun bakal cape banget, tapi kami di sini semua berharap acara bisa berjalan dengan baik. Bukan soal acaranya sih, tapi kita lebih fokus ke jemaat2 muda yang baru yang bakal dateng nanti. kita tetep mau jangkau jiwa2 baru dong (:
minta dukungan doa aja ya buat acara hut Youth di sini hari ini. God bless! :D

have a great day yaaaaaaaa!

Tiga Puluh

good morning, all! ^^

waa.. emang yah.. disiplin tuh kudu dalam sgala hal. kesian bener ni blog terbengkalai.. nda da postingan, ga diliat juga akirnye.. >.<

niwei, hr ni jg ga bs panjang2.. cuma mo nyempetin diri aja to give thx. no particular reason.. just a simple grateful, for days i've been through.. walopun keujanan- kepanasan- sakit kepala- pegel2 dr ujung pala sampe kaki- puyeng ngurus ni-tu-.. yet.. am still 'standing' now. hahaha.. 

hopefully, from this day on bisa mulai rutin lagi posting di sini. miss your postings also, miss ya'all.. wish you're doing good yaaaa.. tetep kudu smangat. *jiayouuuu*. luv ya'll..

*hugsnkisses* xoxoxoxo >(^o^)<


Twenty Nine


"be grateful"
is not a feeling,
but a determination and commitment to feel grateful




"Not in rewards, but in the strength to strive, the blessing lies."
-J. T. Towbridge-


Twenty Seven

Hey Ho! It's October! \(^o^)/

Waa.. it's been too long yah.. ni blog terlantarkan. >.< maaaaph... and i can see ya'll juga ga ada aktipitasnya nih di sini? been busy? well.. let's start again.. always be grateful no matter what happens. (>o,)

hum.. what can i tell ya yah? ..
"September Ceria" mang bukan sekedar slogan aja. "Ceria" biasa digambarin dgn 'colorful'. and the month i just thru was really colorful. >.^ been thru lotsa things.. good-bad.. happy-sad.. annoying & fun times.. fiiiuuuuh... bener2 colorful deh. i won't tell you in details, ga cukup 1 page buat itu *youknowme. hahahaha*. rekapnya aja yaaaah.. 

in short, this September.. was a hard time also great time for me. I was sick when i was home alone.. terus.. pergumulan jasmasni-rohani-mentally.. and kegiatan yg cukup full bikin makin 'complicated'. the good part is.. i also got something good. met new people.. nice people.. and made new friends.. great friends. had exhausted and busy times, yet got extraordinary fun times in return. despite the 'pain and sorrow' I felt lately, am really blessed indeed. (^o^)

hum.. three months to go to the end of the year. am now preparing new concepts for a new project. please, do pray for me and wish me luck *smoga bisa lancar2 jalannya.. need this to 'boost up' my self confindence. >.<* hahhaha.. yeaa.. that's true! bener2 uda ampe di batas 'this is it! its now or its over!'. *berjuanglah dirikuuuuuuu*

in the end of this post.. i just can say, 'am so grateful'. :)

P.S : 
ayo, smuanyaaaa.... ditunggu post2nya yah.. 'disiplin diri' mang ga gampang, even cuma buat short post aja klo uda ga 'disiplin', see.. how this blog abandoned. @.@ Kerasa banget loh, waktu pada buat post2 yg walopun mungkin isinya simple, but it really encourage me to live better. So, let's start again.. balik lagi ke tujuan blog ini dibikin. Dont count our blessings, but do have a reason a day to give thanks. That way, unwittingly.. we've become a blessing to others. 
Be blessed all.. ^^



wuaaah... been a while since da last time i wrote here. >.<
well.. many things i wanna share, but dont have much time now.. maybe later..

as for now.. just drop by to say, "tho' it's been hard days.. am still grateful i could make it thru til today. all is well" :)


Twenty Five

back.. stelah beberapa hari tepar karna flu berat. @.<

btw, mo crita dikit.. tonite.. stlah skian lama, ga biasa2nya nonton tipi. watched an old movie Cool Running. cuma nonton the last 15 minutes, it's based on true story.. watched it in cinema before. crita tentang Jamaican yg ikut Winter Olympic Games. Whadda?! yeap.. unbelievable.. tapi beneran. Inti ceritanya sih, mereka diremehkan sama org2, karena ga mungkin aja Jamaican yg notabene tinggal di negara tropis bisa ikut winter olympic games, main kereta luncur es gitu. ternyata ga disangka2, di hari ke-dua kompetisi, mereka mampu buktiin kalo Jamaican jg bisa berprestasi di cabang olahraga ini. Hari terakhir, pendukung mereka makin banyak, n mereka dgn PD-ny mulai kompetisi. Unfortunately, di tengah2 games, kereta mereka rusak, bautny ada yg copot. Keretany ga terkendali, terbalik n berhenti brapa meter dari garis finish. In the end, they din win *ofcourse!*, but the best part is.. the guys lifts their sled up and begin walking toward the finish line, determined to finish the race no matter what.

the last sentence kudu di-bold-italic-underline. klo perlu dicatet pake capslock smua. to remind us.. hidup itu ibarat sebuah pertandingan, and no matter what happens, sbrapa beratpun yg kita jalanin, WE SHOULD DETERMINED TO FINISH THE RACE NO MATTER WHAT. \(^o^)/ well.. life is about choices.. it's your choice how you live your life. 

as for me.. been through hard times these few days, but am grateful i made it thru sumhow. ^^,
skarang masi flu.. masi banyak kerjaan.. still have sum pressure.. kudu tetep smangaaat.. 
"be strong n take courage.. 加油, 幼丝!"

Rancangan Besar

Mimpi besar kita mungkin bisa kandas,
tetapi kita harus yakin penyertaan-Nya tak pernah lepas.

"Ia membuat segala sesuatu indah pada waktuya."
Pengkhotbah 3:11


Twenty Four

the more i try to give thanks in all things.. the harder it feels.. :(
*makasiiih.. walopun berat, tp bukan ga bisa dilakuin*

"be strong n take courage.. 加油, 幼丝!"


Twenty Three

another hard day.. 
*makasiiih.. for your care*


Twenty Two

it's raining now..
*makasiih.. hujan selalu tau isi hatiku*


a meaningful life

"would you like a life of happiness or a life of meaning?"
i posted this on my fb status update two days before my birthday. The night after, got a nightmare.. um.. AM DEAD. >.<  so, i then woke up on my birthday.. thinking 'what if today is my last day to live?' 

am not gonna share bout my nightmare here.. but, about a friend of mine.. who inspired my thinking bout life and living. well.. let's begin.. 

fellows.. meet RISCA GUSTIN

Risca Gustin

know her since five years ago. she was one of my Pagar Ayu team member. it's been a long time since the last time we met until our last meeting. neva thought that it would be last literally. :( yeap.. in her very young age, she's passed away. though we seldom met, but what she did and who she was leave a deep impression for me.. specially in the last moments of her life.   

a few months ago, i got bad news.. a friend of mine was in hospital and she's been there for a month. i was surprised to hear the news, yet.. we're not too sure that it's her cos we din hear the  news from her or family directly. so, we tried to find out and yes.. it's really her! :( Risca kena leukimia and she just found out bout this last november. dia da bolak-balik rumah sakit, rawat jalan sampe rawat inap slama sebulan. the last time i met her, she just got out for a week and then back there again to be hospitalized for another month.   

weeks later, i visited her in hospital with my friends. it's almost late when we got there.. around 8.30 pm. i called her in the afternoon, told her that we're coming and she's so excited. she said, she really missed us and  she'd be happy if we could come. sempet nyasar sana-sini buat ke kamarnya.. tapi akirnya ketemu juga. what really surprised me was.. karena nyasar, we called her to find where she was.. and asked if it's too late to see her. but she said no, she'd be pleased to see us. when we found her room.. we tried to look for her.. cari punya cari.. koq ga ada yah? tau2 ada yg manggil kita and.. there she was..  IN FRONT OF US! her bed was the first bed from the door, and we din recognized her that time. :( 

if you see her picture here.. she had long thick black hair.. pas kita ketemu.. she lost most of her hair, she's wearing a mask to cover her mouth and nose. she looked so pale.. yet it couldnt cover her happiness to see us. we had a simple chit-chat with her. she asked bout our team members, she told us bout her illness.. tapi ga sedikitpun she showed her pain and suffer.  

i told her that one of our friends will get married this september and we'd like to have team reunion that day. said that we're hoping that she'd get well soon and would be there with us. she's so excited bout the plan.. 'iya, ci.. doain aja yah.. Risca juga pengen dateng, mo ketemu smuanya. uda kangen.. da lama ga ketemu..', that's what she said. di telpon dia juga ada cerita sedikit soal sakitnya, ga kedengeran seperti ngeluh. Tapi lebih kedengeran pasrah.. 'BERSERAH' tepatnya! di saat sakitnya, dari kata-katanya.. tindakannya.. showed her faith in GOD. pas kita ketemu, sbelum kita pulang, she said this, "ci.. di sini tiap hari adaaaa aja yang 'lewat'. Risca takut deh." :( itu satu-satunya saat she showed her fear. but i told her not to worry, she'll be fine. and she said yes, God will give the best for her. i could say nothing that time.. merasa ga 'kompeten' buat ngomong hal2 yg berhubungan ma Tuhan saat itu.  

ga sampe sbulan, we got another news.. she's gone. i cried when i heard that.. shocked, rasanya ga mo percaya. she looked fine when we're there.. bisa bercanda n ngeledek kita pula. she din show any pain.. she looked very optimistic. hard to believe that she's gone. :(   

sharian itu i thought bout her.. thought bout my life and how i live all this time. i sent a message to my bro, 'hari ni dapet brita.. temenku meninggal. life is so unfair.. dia punya semangat idup tinggi, tp harus pergi secepet ini. and me.. yg ga jelas what i want in my life... ga tau apa tujuan idup ini.. malah stuck harus tinggal lebi lama.' and he replied, 'mungkin masi fair. brarti ci masi dkasi ksmpatan utk tau tujuan hidup ci. y kan?' pheeeeeeewww... kek dilelepin di laut rasanyaaa.. @.@ 
risca.. setlah kepergiannya.. masi bisa ngasih pelajaran berharga. when i was thinking bout life and living.. she taught me bout the meaning. her faith and her spirit.. encourage me to move forward, take a step.. little by little.. to have a meaningful life. kita jarang ketemu, jarang ngobrol juga.. but our last conversation has given me more than just a simple chit-chat. am so grateful.. di masa singkat pertemenan kita, she's given me more than it should be.. she made me realize a true meaning of life. 

a note written by my sis mungkin bisa 'gambarin' tentang seorang RISCA. 
"ai cii.."
senyum sumringah didepan pintuku..
"ng papa cii.."
saat kamu hampir ajah pingsan krn ac hotel pas dibelakangmu
"baik cii..."
kmu dateng disaat jalanan banjir
"maappp yah cii.."
senyummu tak pernah lepas walau peluh dan letih krn abis lembur kerja
"cicii aku ng bisa ikut tp pengen ngumpul sama temen2..gimana yah cii.."
kalo bisa ikut bareng kita tugas pasti de kamu ngomong gt yah
"nih cii lagi mau ke dokter.."
wkt aku bertanya risca kamu sakit?
"wah ciciii mau ikutan pasti saya dtg.."
wkt aku kabari ttg rencana reunian kita di september
duh Risca banyak kenangan darimu
terutama senyummu dan semangatmu setiap menjawab pertanyaanku
salut dan bangga denganmu Risca
saat Irma tadi cerita di tegal alur mengenai detik2 terakhir kamu ..
seperti tertidur dan tetep tersenyum..
selamat jalan adikku sayang
waktumu tlah usai didunia ini
dunia baru menyambutmu disana Risca
cici yang selalu inget dan sayang dgnmu....

"farewell my dear friend.. and thank you." 


bersyukur buat pertolongan Tuhan

mao bersyukur pd Tuhan buat pertolonganNya
hari ini gw lg panasin sayur trus hbs itu gw turun ke bawah sebentar buat cek pintu..n then gw naek ke atas n lupa kalo gw lg panasin sayur lgs gw masuk kamar tdran d ranjang..biasanya klo gw uda ketemu ranjang pst uda langsung tdr pules..entah kenapa hari ini masuk kamar n tdr2an mata masi aja melek..ampe akhrne kecium bau asap gt..lgs sadar kalo lg panasin sayur..alhasil masakkan gw gosong..thx God buat pertolonganMu..aku percaya akan penyertaan u God..thx for ur blessing

Another Month..


Finally entering a new month..
Been 3 weeks in this new school..
Still desperately surviving..
and Im grateful for that..^^

Hv a great month everyone!

Remember we can't see wat lies in front..
but as we know THE ONE who's holding our future is faithful,
everything will be alright..
*am trying to soothe myself*

God bless u all..:)

September, day one.

Thank God august has ended well.. *though it was my month, tp hrs kurelakan kepergiannya. halahh haha*

it's september! new month, new day, new hope, new life!

Gbu alll~

cuc: for all the hectic days yet tetep komit buat be grateful, jiayouu! :)
cni: for the new jobs n still in adapting process.. :)
ewin: for the new semester n new year ahead! :D
che: for being a good new senior n light among ur friends there :)
nopita: for the job n every struggling you're facing :)
shandy and adiputra: for ur services n works in hand :)
suzie n novi: for the newcomers! cmon join us! hahaha :D

Dua Puluh

it's a hard day today.. 
ga gampang buat TETEP bersyukur di saat-saat kayak gini. 
dari bangun pagi, perasaan uda ga enak.. hari panas banget, masalah kerjaan wo bikin ga mood ngajar.. plus.. -entah napa- spertiny hari ni virus 'ga konsen' lagi melanda. from my k2 private students, my teen n adult english students and also myself.. kekny pada ga konsen hr ni. >.< but am grateful.. hari ni bisa lewat juga and am definitely fine. (^o^)

thanks to my dear bro and friends.. yg da ngibur dengan caranya masing2. hehhehe.. (>o,)
luv ya all... *bighug* >(^o^)<

"be strong n take courage.. 一定要跟加油, 幼丝!"