
walk by faith

hm.. blakangan ni kalimat di atas 'terngiang2' trus di kepala. n hari ni makin 'kenceng' aja tu kalimat muter2 di kepala ampe resep di ati. hari ni ngalamin yg namanya 'walk by faith'.. tersurat dan tersirat. xD

first.. i used to go to sunday service at noon time, rada males kalo ikut yg sore. but today, karna ada urusan, ga bisa ikut ibadah yg siang. then, tadi sore when i was going to attend the sunday service, ujan gedeeeeeee banget. perasaan uda ga enak banget, sole dr siang mo pegi ga jadi. sore masa ga jadi jg. ga ibadah duuunk.. >.< *dunno why, skrg ni klo ga ibadah, kekny ada 'feeling guilty inside'. eventhough ibadahny itu cuma 'yg penting duduk di gereja', but somehow it's relieving.* i then asked GOD, 'please stop the rain.. at least for 30 minutes on my way there. beneran mo ke gereja nih.. if You really want me to go, then please stop the rain.' itu kondisiny ujan masi gede bener. *ude ga mo ngarep bs brenti dalam wkt 10 menit deh.. >.< in 10 minutes, ujanny reda.. lum brenti, tp jauh lebih kecil turunnya. ni masi rada 'males' kuar, sole da sminggu sakit pala n lg rada ga enak badan, baru bis keujanan jg, klo dihantem nekad ujan2an lagi, bs tepar. n that's the last thing i need for at least a month ahead. tp dgn 'PD'-ny, i prepared myself, trus telpon ojek buat anter pergi. *again.. masi ujan rintik2 mayan rapet kondisinya* dalam ati rada 'ngeluh', duh.. basah lagi deh.. bakalan kedinginan lagi di gereja. @.< but you know what? by the time i opened my gate, ujanny brenti aja dink! \(^o^)/ and aaaaaaaallllll the way to church.. asli kering bener. ga telat pula sayaaaa.. *biasa telat. hihihihi.. xp

second.. there's always a reason for everything.. 
i din go to sunday service last week. ada feeling guilty jg, tp hr ni dunno why ada dorongan yg bgitu kuat buat 'kudu harus pegi'.. eventhough lagi ujan badai. well.. got the answer in the service. (>o,) 
to be honest, lately bener2 lagi bergumul ama idup.. masalah kerja, sosial, komitmen, bla.. bla.. bla.. n i had many questions in my head. questions and struggles yg sebenerny dari dulu bolak-balik 'attacking' me. :( and today.. got another encouragement to move on n live to the fullest. today's preach lebi mirip sesi 'konsultasi pribadi' scara yg diomongin itu asli nembak tepat ke sasaran. *youknowwhatimean* xD and the magic words came out again! "walks by faith.. and lives by faith". phew.. what a day! (>,)

eniweiiii.. am grateful for today. it's true! we can neva understand GOD's mysterious plan for us.  
Neva question bout the plan, just walk by faith! (^o^)

"For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, 
“plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."
Jeremiah 29:11 - GOD's Word Translation


Jane Reggievia said...

testing emoticons aaaah
:h: :j: :c: :e:
hahahhaa lucu banget!

anyway, ci uss...kok kayaknya suka baca kamu sakit sih? take care yaaa,kerja boleee tp kesehatan yg utama,oke oke?
keren banget ya Babe kita,bearti memang liat niat hati kita mau ketemu sama Dia apa ngga di hari Minggu itu...kalau cc gak ada niat kayaknya ujan badai nggak bakal brenti juga :p

be happy be grateful!

Juls said...

wew.. ntu emoticon agemana postingny yaaaa?
tes ah.. :k: **

niwei, sakitny lebi karna psikis drpd fisik sih, che.. hehehhee..

ho oh.. still learning to walk by faith.. and try to be grateful always.

thx for dropping by yak. :)

:a: :b: :c: :d: :e: :f: :g: :h: :i: :j: :k: :l: :m: :n:

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