Give Thanks!

"Count your blessings".. does this phrase sound familiar? :p
Well.. rasanya ungkapan ini rada kurang tepat deh. Why so? Because.. you can't count an endless blessings. That's why! ;)

Kecenderungan manusia itu klo makin diitung, makin brasa ga cukup. Ga da puasnya deh! >.< So, daripada cape ngitungin berkat yg ga ada abisnya, kenapa ga dibuat list aja tiap ari. One simple reason everyday why you should give thanks. :)

I just started this a few days ago. Hope you can be part of this too. Dare to name a reason to give thanks? Please feel free to post it here.. and let's count our blessings then. You'll see.. what a wonderful life you have and how blessed we are. 

The world rotates
Seasons change
Yet the best season comes
when you can give thanks in all things