
B-gr8ful always!

hm.. what shud i say for today yah? 

well.. life's been ups and downs lately. yea.. yea.. you may say, it always does.. but my life's been 'flat' these past few years. so, actually.. maybe it's a good thing to have ups and downs. feels er... ALIVE! :D

i almost forget how it's like to have the 'ups and downs'. exhausting.. yet exciting. sumtimes it feels hard.. like how i felt lately. but i try to stand firm and keep on my words.. to always be grateful no matter what happened. fortunately.. dunno if its because the 'thanksgiving day euphoria'.. but, so many people talked bout 'give thanks-be grateful' this week. phew.. so touching me. (>o<) 

thank you all.. whoeva you are, whether you did it on purpose or you din.. unwittingly you've lifted me up and gave me strength to move on. :)

again.. like the note i just wrote here, i just can say..

life is always about choices
what's your choice?


Forty Six

"when you're grumpy and start to complain
there's only one problem:
you lose the sense of gratitude!"


for better..
for worse..
no matter how hard it is
#tryto! b-gr8ful always! 


Happy Thanksgiving :))

"Whatever happens, give thanks, because it is God’s will in Christ Jesus that you do this." -1 Thessalonians 5:18-

thanks C'uc for making this blog.. (ayat di atas jg kutipan dr ayat mas blog ini) haha...

Happy Thanksgiving everyone :))

"although sumtimes it seems like life's treated us so bad..
keep in mind, there's always sumthing that we can be grateful for :)

cheer up!!!


love always,

Forty Five

the world rotates
seasons change
tho no matter how hard it is
yet the best season STILL comes
when you can give thanks in all things

"Happy Thanksgiving!"


Forty Four

'careful wif what you ask to God!'
hm.. sounds familiar? ;)

yea.. yea.. this phrase suits me now. >.<
i've made an important decision few days ago.. not a big leap,. it's a pending step actually. and the next day, langsung diuji aja boooo.. really.. it almost made me down again. but am lucky to have my brother around. wish i can do sumthing to pay him back. *oops! yeap.. careful wif what you wish for! :D am given 'the time to pay him back' now. and really.. this is not easy! but am trying to do my best to be a good sister for him. phew.. wish me luck, all! and hoping everything's gonna be alright.  

"may GOD be with us!" :)


Forty Three

"but i don't give to get a blessing.
i give to be a blessing. 
do you see the difference there?"


Forty Two

had a simple-short-quality time wif my nephews. 
*makasiiiiih... biar cuma bentar, we're having fun indeed. \(^o^)/


Forty One

bangun kepagian *banget* gara2 nightmare..
*mpe sekarang jantung kekny mo copot klo inget tu mimpi. @.@

niwei.. last week 'theme' was 'be gentle and humble of heart' n this week week 'theme' seems to be 'nahan diri' and 'prayer'. gi blajar untuk nahan diri, in all things.. emosi, ego, lidah, sikap, bla.. bla.. bla.. sumtimes ga sukses.. n mostly hard to do. but am grateful.. susah bukan brarti ga bisa dilakuin. well.. got the 'reward' buat niat yg dijalanin itu. hahahaha.. hubunganny ma prayer? well.. i do believe.. -n kmrn ni baru 'diteguhkan' lagi- what-who-how i am now.. it's all because there's always someone praying for me. *maybe you're one of 'em! ;)* and the other thing is.. prayer DOES have power. tho i dont think i do it in 'correct way' nowadays.. but i know that i've been heard by Abba Father. *alleluia* \(^o^)/

*makasiiiiiih... a great blessing to have ya'all who always pray for me. 

"susah.. bukan brarti ga bisa dilakuin..
berat.. bukan berarti ga bisa dijalanin..
life IS beautiful..
you just need to see it with a smile"



in a 'blue' time.. these words are really comforting..

"Pleasant words are like honey.
      They are sweet to the spirit and bring healing to the body."
Proverbs 16:25 - New International Reader's Version


Tiga Puluh Sembilan

hm.. hr ni cuma mo share quote that i got from my friend.. 
this is really nice.. cekidot: 

"seorang PEMENANG bukan berarti tidak pernah kalah, 
tetapi selalu bangkit dari kekalahan 
dan terus berjuang untuk menyelesaikan PERTANDINGAN

seorang yang TERBAIK bukan berarti tidak pernah berbuat salah, 
namun selalu belajar dalam setiap hal 
untuk memperbesar KAPASITASNYA

dan seorang yang LUAR BIASA adalah 
mereka  yang tidak pernah menyesali 
adanya kelemahan dan kekurangannya
tetapi selalu MEMAKSIMALKAN 

grateful ;-)

thanks GOD for sunny bright day today ;-) and not to forget about last night waktu aye keliling2 naek ojeg tiba2 ada truk yang langsung ambil kiri haduh aye udah langsung merem bener2 udah pasrah akan apa yang bakalan terjadi , tapi entah bagaimana mobil itu ngambil kanan lagi , dan baru beberapa detik setelah kejadian itu aye bener2 sadar itu bener2 kemurahan dari TUHAN , terima kasih TUHAN untuk penyertaanMU ;-) JESUS is the best forever and ever ;-)


Tiga Puluh Delapan

baru aja lewatin pagi yg 'berat'
*makasiiiih... we can make it thru 'da rain'.

"smoga ke depanny lebi baik lagi." [-o<


Tiga Puluh Tujuh

gonna have a busy weekend, so just drop by to post this..

i was reviewing my old posts, when i found this.. 
a good quote to remind me in my situation now,

"when God give you an important things in your life, 
never embrace it too tight, 
so the moment He wants it back 
it wont be hard for you to let it go."

have a blessed day, everyone.. ! (>o^)


maaf..dah lama ga buka blog..
karena belakangan ini lumayan sibuk..

yang dapat kusyukuri yach?
mungkin di hari sabtu kemarin..

pas sabtu kemarin sore..
gw hampir aja berakhir di rumah sakit dengan tangan kanan patah karena disenggol motor..
Kok bisa?

gimana kronologisnya?

jadi pas kira2x jam setengah 6 gw keluar dari rumah.
dah ke jalan besar mau naik bajai..
Eh..kebetulan mobil yang dibawa adikku pulang..ya jalan pulang lagi buat ambil mobil.
Nah..pas gw mau masuk ke mobil..dari belakangku..melaju motor dengan kecepatan lumayanlah..dan menyenggol tangan serta tasku ketarik..
Tapi anehnya..tanganku ga luka ama sekali..dan tasku yang ketarik.
coba bayangkan klo gw agak keluar dikit lagi ?apa ga patah tuch tangan?

nach..setelah terkena..tuch motor yang nabrak berhenti dan sepertinya mau marah2x dan manggil gw..Untung aja pas waktu itu gw ga emosi..dan malah bersyukur karena ga terjadi apa2x..jadi yach ga mau memperpanjang masalah..dan cuekin mereka lalu masuk ke mobil..

ssewaktu di perjalanan..ku merenung..Kok aneh yach yang ketarik kencang itu tas gw.padahal tasku di samping depan tangan kanan gw..Jadi menurutku..ada kemungkinan mereka mau ngejambret tasku..
Itu adalah 2 yang mesti kusyukuri terjadi apa2x denganku.2.tasku serta isinya aman2x aja.

Tiga Puluh Enam

bangun pagi dengan perasaan kacau. @.@

take a deep breath.. over and over and over again..
nyoba merasa dengan logika dan mikir dengan perasaan 
try to be gentle and humble of heart 
and learn to lean on GOD.

*makasiiih.. walopun berat, masi bisa ambil keputusan dengan kepala jernih. 

'smoga bisa tetep komit jalanin. [-o<

"Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, 
for I am gentle and humble in heart, 
and you will find rest for your souls."
Matthew 11:29 - NIV


berkat yang jahat? Be gentle and humble of heart!

hum.. judul yg aneh yak? :p 
well.. tadiny mikir mo kasi judul yang mana. but then i decided to put it both.. karena berkaitan juga ma topiknya. 

bole dibilang.. this is 'theme of the month'. why do i say that? well.. if you see my post here, i put a bible verse from 2 chronicles 7:14. before i put it there, saw that verse on my social network wall. then, last sunday.. this verse also came out. put an underline in the sentence ".... will humble themselves, .. then I will hear their prayer from heaven, forgive their sins and ... " BINGO! it's talking bout a humble heart and blessing. :)

bbrapa minggu ni, kalimat2 ni muncul terus. ga akan berpanjang-lebar jelasin, tp intinya adalah GOD's will to bless you is bigger than your will to be blessed. so, sbenerny kita ga perlu 'bersusah-payah' buat minta berkat lebih. it's provided a'dy for us! but.. to gain that.. there's one condition: we've gotta have a 'new heart'! Why so? karena berkat bisa sekaligus menjadi ujian, berkat menjadi berkat yang jahat waktu kita ga siap untuk nerima berkat itu. For example.. pemenang lotere mendapat berkat dari kemenangannya itu. tapi kala hatinya ga siap buat nerima berkat itu, akhirny berkat menjadi ujian.. mungkin duluny dia ga suka berjudi, jadi berjudi. ga suka mabuk2an, skrg ga bs lepas dr botol minuman keras.. and so on.. and so on. the blessing becomes an evil blessing. untuk bisa 'siap nrimo' berkat, we shud have a gentle and humble of heart.

brapa hari lalu, i posted sumthing here, bout abundant blessing i've gotten. well, it surely is the thing which GOD has prepared for me. for it's what i need not what i want. then today.. sumthing happened.. the abundant blessing became 'evil'. disadari ato ga.. sepertinya 'what i need is becoming what i want'. am not 'ready' for this blessing. jd kyk OKB deh.. *halah* >.< then i rememba my status i posted this morning, "juli, be gentle and humble of heart'" wew.. beneran deh.. masa langsung diuji gitu yak? @.@ asli loh.. begitu inget tu status, jd kepikir, koq bisa yaaaa.. pasang status itu? eniwei.. maybe it's also part of the BIG PLAN that had been prepared for me. ^^

right now, by the time am writing this.. pikiran masi rada kacau balau.. tata bahasa jd brantakan *harapmaklum*. niwei.. i learn sumthing today.. that GOD has provided blessings for me, i dont have to ask for more. 

c'mooon.. 一定要加油, 幼丝!


Tiga Puluh Empat

OK! that's it! am overwhelmed! this is too much!
neva ask things like this, 
but YOU surely know what i need more than i do. 

abundant blessings.. 
that i neva thought before.. 
and maybe i dont deserve it at all.. 
yet YOU still give it to me. 

speechless.. just can say,
*makasiiiiiiiiih.... *

"But as it is written, 
Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, 
neither have entered into the heart of man, 
the things which God hath prepared for them that love him."
1 Corinthians 2:9 - KJV