
Forty One

bangun kepagian *banget* gara2 nightmare..
*mpe sekarang jantung kekny mo copot klo inget tu mimpi. @.@

niwei.. last week 'theme' was 'be gentle and humble of heart' n this week week 'theme' seems to be 'nahan diri' and 'prayer'. gi blajar untuk nahan diri, in all things.. emosi, ego, lidah, sikap, bla.. bla.. bla.. sumtimes ga sukses.. n mostly hard to do. but am grateful.. susah bukan brarti ga bisa dilakuin. well.. got the 'reward' buat niat yg dijalanin itu. hahahaha.. hubunganny ma prayer? well.. i do believe.. -n kmrn ni baru 'diteguhkan' lagi- what-who-how i am now.. it's all because there's always someone praying for me. *maybe you're one of 'em! ;)* and the other thing is.. prayer DOES have power. tho i dont think i do it in 'correct way' nowadays.. but i know that i've been heard by Abba Father. *alleluia* \(^o^)/

*makasiiiiiih... a great blessing to have ya'all who always pray for me. 

"susah.. bukan brarti ga bisa dilakuin..
berat.. bukan berarti ga bisa dijalanin..
life IS beautiful..
you just need to see it with a smile"


:a: :b: :c: :d: :e: :f: :g: :h: :i: :j: :k: :l: :m: :n:

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