
Day Fifty Nine


started and ended the day joyfully;
thanks for always being around. 


Day Fifty Eight


it's a great sunday!
to be honest.. lost my 'spirit' to attend the sunday service these past weeks. but this morning, i was reminded *twice*.. 'go to the church, please..' and yes, indeed.. i went. 

went with a friend, and when i got there.. met sum friends.. so there we were, 7 of us, sitting together, to meet our Father. it's been a long time, since the last time i worship GOD with friends. after the service, we had lunch and hang out. a nice time to spend together. 

"thank You, Father.. for this beautiful day."


Day Fifty Seven


what a tiring day..
lack of sleep, continuous 'stripping' meeting, hectic on the road, miss da breakfast and lunch time, well.. finally i could make it thru da day. am grateful for that.. and for good friends around. :) 

"thank You, Father.."


Day Fifty Six


which is easier?
to be grateful in good times,
or to give thanks in bad times?

"no matter what happens, be grateful always! "


Day Fifty Five


it's a da** hot day! fiuh.. 
had 'unexpected' chats today.. nothing special and important actually, just a 'long time no see' friends 'tiba2' pada bermunculan. ahahahhaaa.. dipikir2, lama jg ga chit-chat ma yg laen euy. :p am grateful for that. 

and noooow.. am working. yeap! akhirnya stlah berhari2 ilang smangat kerja, hr ni bisa konsen kerja lagi. hm.. kudu kejer target *baca:begadang. but its okay; as my brain works better at night. :D

"thank You for another blessed day, Father" :)


Day Fifty Four

  "think back over the last day, - 
what could you have taken with delight that you just skipped over?"


Day Fifty Three


hum.. dont have many words to say, but..
"thank You, Father.. for today"


Day Fifty Two


been thru a 'colorful' day; a sad-happy-panic-relieved-giving-accepting-getting-losing day. 

"dear Father,
am thankful for everything happens,
that in the end.. it's all in YOUR hands
has always been
and will always be

help me to do what i can
to give up; to let go; and to surrender
and then let YOU handle the rest
for all things happen for good in YOUR time; indeed!"


Day Fifty One


'give thanks in all circumstances' is not an easy thing to do. not in good times, specially in bad-hard-rough times. >.< but i got this beautiful message today; "sometimes good things come from bad things." #blessingindisguise. aaaaww... how comforting. *huff.. 一定要跟加油吧!

"thank You, Father.. 
for the bad times you've given me. cos it makes me stronger than before."


Day Fifty


really exhausted today. >.<
lil bit sleepy today,. not enuf sleep last night. and early in the morning gotta work til almost the whole day. am grateful, i 'got' full energy during work time and run outta steam when i got home. fiuuuuh.. time to have sum rest now. nite all.. ^^

"thank You, Father.. for giving me the strength to face the day."


Day Forty Nine


"am thankful everyday.. for the Gift."


Day Forty Eight


not in a good mood today. lil 'stress-out', bikin males beresin kerjaan. yg ada akirny beres2 kamar. ahahhahaha.. 
niwei, paling ga, ada yg beres lah.. :p am grateful that 'bad-mood' ga bikin jadi males ngapa2in. :D

"thank You, Father.. you've lifted me up."


Day Forty Seven


another ordinary day..
ga tlalu semangat hari ni, mungkin karena cuacany kali yah. tadi siang panas banget, terus mendung banget. but am thankful, pas mo kuar, ga panas n ga ujan. n tho i was not in a good mood, at least meeting berjalan lancar.

"thank You, Father.. for this day."


Day Forty Six


a relaxing day.. finally i can have time for myself. \(^o^)/
actually still have sum works to do, but i decided to 'call-off' the works and try to relax in this holiday time. 

in the evening went to 'see' the sea and sunset.. a glass of choco milkshake, a 'bowl' of fries n a book was the perfect match to accompany me. ahahhhahaha.. it was a short escape, but am glad i did it. (^^,)

"thank You, Father.. for a 'perfect' time for myself."


Day Forty Five


stlah bbrapa hari panas banget, finally hari ni ujan juga.. ga tanggung2, almost a day raining! *luvit! \(^o^)/

"thank You for the nice weather, Father"


Day Forty Four


cape banget euy.. sminggu ni mayan padet jadwal. apalg kmrn sama hari ni, spent almost the whole day out. >.< 
hari ni kesiangan pula, ampir ga sempet ibadah. glad i cud make it, though i was really late. @.@ and like HE did lately.. dengan cara yang 'aneh', GOD has given me the answers of my doubts. ga brani bilang uda yakin sepenuhnya. but, at least, uda dikuatin lagi. *fiuuuh.. ;)

"thank You, Father.. for reminding me *again*. 
in Your 'strange' way, i may not understand..
teach me to live by faith."


Day Forty Three


what a hectic day.. 
again, it's proven.. HE knows me better than i do. during the hard times, HE gave me 'exactly' what i need.. and what i want. :)

"thank You, Father.. You've given the best!"


Day Forty Two


what a number, huh? well.. its neva gonna be easy to give thanks during tough times. but am grateful, at least at the end of the day, HE gimme 'peace'. *fiuuuh..

"thank You, Father.."


Day Forty One


hm.. been thru a nice day. tho my body's not feeling too well, but am grateful.. miting ari ni lancar2 aja, trus bisa ketemuan ma 'long time no see' friend.

btw, got this 'blessing' on my messanger this afternoon.. wanna share it with you all.. 
monggo.. diliat2 di sini. be blessed.. be grateful!  *thankstosusy.. (>o,)

"thank You, Father.. your blessing is always new each day"


Day Forty


just another common day. 
hm.. what shud i be grateful of? :D 

well.. been busy these few days, preparing the next projects. thx GOD, lancar2 aja preparationnya, jadi ga 'ngerepotin'. hehehhee.. still have sum things to do, wish me luck.. ^^

"thank You, Father.." :)


Day Thirty Nine


another blessed day! >.^
i was *again* testing GOD, and HE again *as HE always does* has 'won'. this morning i've woken up with 'the answer' of my doubt. surprising? yea.. right! must be! fiuuh... 

dare to test GOD? go on.. and see how great is Thou art! :)

"thank you, Father.. for knowing me better than i do."


Day Thirty Eight


been thru a busy day.. meeting dadakan, reschedule dadakan jg, mana jauh pulaaa.. am doing a planner project for a wedding on july. yeap! only 4 months preparation, n they still havent got anything. thx God, hari ni paling ga yg penting2 uda beres. also have to prepare next month's project. agak2 hectic nih jdnya. anyway, am grateful.. paling ga dgn kesibukan ni, jd ga sempet mikir aneh2 dah. ahahhahahaha.. 

"thank You, Father.. for the gift you've given me. make me a blessing."


Day Thirty Seven


fiuuuuh.. what a day!
woke up this morning with 'expected but surprising' message; that is the answer of my struggle. got unexpected appointements *yeap.. wif 's'.. and the best thing is.. the message from GOD was more clarified on today's sunday service. 

to be honest, blakangan ni.. lagi gambling sama Tuhan.. almost give up on things, give up on GOD, >.< but then i try to give up, to let go and to surrender.. easier to say, but am trying to do it.. to live it. hari ni, again.. GOD reminds me thru my struggle, that life needs the fighting spirit. yea.. right.. di ujung pemikiran2 manusia yg egosentris, in the end of the day.. i was reminded *again* that i am blessed.

Yes, God knows me
God hears me
God loves me
God is there for me. 
am blessed. 
"thank You, Father"


Day Thirty Six


fiuh.. spent this day for myself. *read: bermalas2an. hihihihihi.. xp

hari ni ga banyak yg dilakuin. dari tadi cuma tidur, nonton dvd, ngemil, browsing2.. relaxing time. ;) am grateful, bisa punya waktu buat diri ndiri *akireeee.. now am planning to have another dvd to watch.. or a new book to read. decide it later, gotta have my meal now. *baru inget, dr pagi baru makan brp potong kue lapis aja. #oops! 

well.. catch you up later! (>o,)


Day Thirty Five


hari ni 'masak' lagi. ahahahhahaa.. xp invited sum friends to have lunch here, tp yg bisa cuma 1 orang. ga pa lah.. enjoyed the time anyway.. 

ow, btw.. hari ni pagi2 juga da dapet 'pencerahan'. smalem tidur dan tadi pagi bangun dengan 'bergumul', trus pagi2 tu, ada kata2 yang 'ngemplang'.. i've shared it on my blog n facebook note.

"thank You, Father..
for reminding me again
to put my trust in You"

Let us hold fast the confession of our hope without wavering, 
for HE who promised is faithful.
Hebrews 10:23 - ESV


Day Thirty Four


Gong xiiii.. gong xiiii...
waaaa.. hari ni biar ga ke mana2, tnyata cukup melelahkan juga euy. *saelaaah.. bahasanyaa.. hihihihi.. xp

niwei, hari ni sbenerny bangun agak siang, scara smalem tidur subuh.
sooo.. hr ni bis beres2, i called my dad, looked for my mom.. send greetings to them. then.. *taraaa* i cooked! yaa.. yaaa.. rame2 sih preparationny, ga masak ndirian. masak rame2 n makan rame2. hahahahaha.. 

well.. taon ni euforia xinjia kekny ga gitu kerasa, sodara2 jg ga gt banyak yg dateng. but, di rumah malah brasa 'anget'. am grateful for dat. :)


Day Thirty Three


beres-bereeeeesss... uda beres. hehehee.. xp
fiuh.. cepet bener euy.. da mo xinjia lagi. hari ni dihabiskan dengan bebebah.. rame2 tmasuk 'kurcaci2' jg ikut membantu. hahaha.. maybe we can call this a 'quality time', huh? *jarang2 bisa spent sum times together kek gini. >.< 
am grateful for today.. ^^


Day Thirty Two


it's february! yay!! \(^o^)/
am grateful for today.. 
dunno why, but i feel good today.. i mean really in a good mood. 
fiuh.. hope this is a sign for good things forward. #praying

"thank You, Father.. for things happened to me, 
whether i understand or don't understand the purpose.. am sure it's for good."