
Twenty Seven

Hey Ho! It's October! \(^o^)/

Waa.. it's been too long yah.. ni blog terlantarkan. >.< maaaaph... and i can see ya'll juga ga ada aktipitasnya nih di sini? been busy? well.. let's start again.. always be grateful no matter what happens. (>o,)

hum.. what can i tell ya yah? ..
"September Ceria" mang bukan sekedar slogan aja. "Ceria" biasa digambarin dgn 'colorful'. and the month i just thru was really colorful. >.^ been thru lotsa things.. good-bad.. happy-sad.. annoying & fun times.. fiiiuuuuh... bener2 colorful deh. i won't tell you in details, ga cukup 1 page buat itu *youknowme. hahahaha*. rekapnya aja yaaaah.. 

in short, this September.. was a hard time also great time for me. I was sick when i was home alone.. terus.. pergumulan jasmasni-rohani-mentally.. and kegiatan yg cukup full bikin makin 'complicated'. the good part is.. i also got something good. met new people.. nice people.. and made new friends.. great friends. had exhausted and busy times, yet got extraordinary fun times in return. despite the 'pain and sorrow' I felt lately, am really blessed indeed. (^o^)

hum.. three months to go to the end of the year. am now preparing new concepts for a new project. please, do pray for me and wish me luck *smoga bisa lancar2 jalannya.. need this to 'boost up' my self confindence. >.<* hahhaha.. yeaa.. that's true! bener2 uda ampe di batas 'this is it! its now or its over!'. *berjuanglah dirikuuuuuuu*

in the end of this post.. i just can say, 'am so grateful'. :)

P.S : 
ayo, smuanyaaaa.... ditunggu post2nya yah.. 'disiplin diri' mang ga gampang, even cuma buat short post aja klo uda ga 'disiplin', see.. how this blog abandoned. @.@ Kerasa banget loh, waktu pada buat post2 yg walopun mungkin isinya simple, but it really encourage me to live better. So, let's start again.. balik lagi ke tujuan blog ini dibikin. Dont count our blessings, but do have a reason a day to give thanks. That way, unwittingly.. we've become a blessing to others. 
Be blessed all.. ^^


:a: :b: :c: :d: :e: :f: :g: :h: :i: :j: :k: :l: :m: :n:

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