
Lima Puluh Dua

phew.. been a while since my last post. >.<
got many blessings i wanna share here actually, but i must *wif shame* admit, that i was 'lazy' to write here.. things happened and guess am losing the sense of gratitude! *huff.. notgood!! :(

well.. wish i can have my pc on my pocket. or maybe my brain can have 'online' connection with my pc. so, wheneva i got blessings, i cud just directly write it here and share it wif you guys. ahahhahaa.. 

anyway, too many things i wanna share here, dunno where to start.. but maybe this cud be a 'simple recap' for what i've gotten these past few weeks.

i was so upset lately.. cos things din go as i wish it shud be.. i lost my happiness, lost my 'pride' *yea, right*, lost my confidence.. *fiuh*, felt i've failed everyone *also myself*.  this is soooo not good.. i din even rememba the tagline on this blog, 'a reason a day to give thanks'. cudnt find a good reason for that.. *huff*. but in the end.. actually i just lost my sense of gratitude! *tadaaaa*. but than i realized.. why shud i? got so many things i shud be grateful of.. and then, on last sermon i was reminded again.. that 'the real joy is when you GIVE not when you get!' yeap! i shud be grateful when i can give to others.. *share things here, for example. (>o,)* and shudnt be so "lame", when i din get what i wanted or wished for. everything happens for a reason. i am what i am and who i am for a reason. hardly to understand, just have to accept it. ;)

it's the last day of the year.. wish that we can share more things here and be blessed to be a blessing for each other. thank you all, for the chance to share things here.  b-gR8ful always! have a merry 'early' new year. :)

"have faith that what happens is for the best.. 
whether you understand it or not"


"SULIT,blom tntu tidak bs"

Susah, blom tntu tidak bisa ...???...hmmmm....

Taoen 2010 segera berakhirrr....Thx God. Puji Tuhannnn....hahaha.... ga sabar mau 2011..*dengan harapan tdk sperti 2010... :D..
pertama-tama mau bersyukur kalau 2010 boleh berlalu dengan sangat cepat, bersyukur disaat yang amat sangat"buntu", Babe ga pernh diam...

Tahun 2010 a/ tahun yg sulit bagi g, tp sadar ga sadar g bisa melwti itu smua pstinya ga sndiri,tp sm si BABE.. :) Pastinya ditmbah dgn postve thnkng, percaya bhwa, apa yg g hdpin saat ini, itu semua sudah DIA ijinkn terjadi. bukn karna Dia iseng tentunya.. :D.. tp ada somethng yg sdg Dia persiapkn bt g...( istilahnya menyenangkn diri sendiri,dikala "T.T"..haha...).. Pd intinya..memang sangat sulit, tp g bs.. :D..

uda pd tau lah ya. stiap rancangan dan waktu Tuhan bagi kita itu berbeda dgn apa yg kita rncanakan, ga slalu bs sama dgn apa yg kita ingini. jd pd dsrnya kita ga tau apa2, kita bs berencana,tp tetep DIA yang ACC (bisa di acc,ditolak, ato dipending ).hahaha... JADIIII...tetap nempel sm BABE, B-gR8ful slalu..even hal buruk sekalipun..SULIT,hmmm..bisa lah..ya ga c uc??. :D


Lima Puluh Satu

fiuuuuuh... been a week since my last post! soriiii.. hectic banget minggu ni. cape fisik-otak-ati.. thank goodness this week almost through. :D

niwei, these past two days were not nice days for me *if you dont wanna say its 'bad'*. dikerjain panas dan ujan, di'kerjain' orang, i hardly eat.. hardly sleep.. really exhausted. but, the good thing is.. i din lose my control! waaa... for those who knows me well.. this really is a good thing! hahhahaha... yea, at least i could mind my words, control my low voice eventhough that time i really want to 'telen that annoying people idup2'. heheheh.. :p am grateful for that. hopefully i can keep being like that *under control*.. need that.. at least for the next full month. *huff

do pray for me, pleaseee... thanks all! :)



Akhirnya bisa nge-post lagi di sini setelah sekian lama. Sorry banget jadi kurang aktif nulis di sini, belakangan sibuk ini itu, persiapan natal gereja (yg akhirnya selesai juga hari Sabtu kemarin), dll. UAS juga uda semakin dekat, ujian semakin dekat... SAYA PUN JUGA CEPAT PULANG KE TANAH AIR! :D

Yeah, I am going home (AGAIN) next month after my final exams, I thought before that I will spend my holiday-trembling alone in a winter season like this in my dorm room, alf of my friends also my two roomates are going back to their hometown too. Its phery gud ahh *speak it with singaporean accent!* my parents let me go home next year, yeah! So, wait me home, friends :D

Sharing hari ini, aku pengen share renungan aku kemarin pagi, sih... judulnya "Sumber Dari Sebuah Dampak", bacaannya dari Kisah Para Rasul 4:1-13. Yang aku dapet dari renungan ini simple aja, kita sebagai anak-anak Tuhan diminta untuk bisa memberikan dampak yang positif bagi orang-orang di sekitar kita. Dampak positif yang kita 'tularin' ke mereka, bisa menjadi contoh yang baik dan kita akan menjadi berkat. Kalau menurut aku sendiri, aku belum cukup baik untuk menjadi dampak yang positif buat orang-orang di sekitar aku. Terkadang aku masih nggak bisa berbuat sesuatu yang bisa menjadi berkat. Intinya, diri kita sendiri harus benar dulu di hadapan Allah, setelah itu kita baru bisa menjadi dampak yang baik bagi mereka.

Kalau kalian sendiri gimana? Apakah kalian sudah bisa menjadi dampak yang positif bagi orang-orang di sekitar? (:


Lima Puluh

to everything there's a season, 
and a time for every purpose under the Heaven
Ecclesiastes 3:1

"B-gR8ful always!"

walk by faith

hm.. blakangan ni kalimat di atas 'terngiang2' trus di kepala. n hari ni makin 'kenceng' aja tu kalimat muter2 di kepala ampe resep di ati. hari ni ngalamin yg namanya 'walk by faith'.. tersurat dan tersirat. xD

first.. i used to go to sunday service at noon time, rada males kalo ikut yg sore. but today, karna ada urusan, ga bisa ikut ibadah yg siang. then, tadi sore when i was going to attend the sunday service, ujan gedeeeeeee banget. perasaan uda ga enak banget, sole dr siang mo pegi ga jadi. sore masa ga jadi jg. ga ibadah duuunk.. >.< *dunno why, skrg ni klo ga ibadah, kekny ada 'feeling guilty inside'. eventhough ibadahny itu cuma 'yg penting duduk di gereja', but somehow it's relieving.* i then asked GOD, 'please stop the rain.. at least for 30 minutes on my way there. beneran mo ke gereja nih.. if You really want me to go, then please stop the rain.' itu kondisiny ujan masi gede bener. *ude ga mo ngarep bs brenti dalam wkt 10 menit deh.. >.< in 10 minutes, ujanny reda.. lum brenti, tp jauh lebih kecil turunnya. ni masi rada 'males' kuar, sole da sminggu sakit pala n lg rada ga enak badan, baru bis keujanan jg, klo dihantem nekad ujan2an lagi, bs tepar. n that's the last thing i need for at least a month ahead. tp dgn 'PD'-ny, i prepared myself, trus telpon ojek buat anter pergi. *again.. masi ujan rintik2 mayan rapet kondisinya* dalam ati rada 'ngeluh', duh.. basah lagi deh.. bakalan kedinginan lagi di gereja. @.< but you know what? by the time i opened my gate, ujanny brenti aja dink! \(^o^)/ and aaaaaaaallllll the way to church.. asli kering bener. ga telat pula sayaaaa.. *biasa telat. hihihihi.. xp

second.. there's always a reason for everything.. 
i din go to sunday service last week. ada feeling guilty jg, tp hr ni dunno why ada dorongan yg bgitu kuat buat 'kudu harus pegi'.. eventhough lagi ujan badai. well.. got the answer in the service. (>o,) 
to be honest, lately bener2 lagi bergumul ama idup.. masalah kerja, sosial, komitmen, bla.. bla.. bla.. n i had many questions in my head. questions and struggles yg sebenerny dari dulu bolak-balik 'attacking' me. :( and today.. got another encouragement to move on n live to the fullest. today's preach lebi mirip sesi 'konsultasi pribadi' scara yg diomongin itu asli nembak tepat ke sasaran. *youknowwhatimean* xD and the magic words came out again! "walks by faith.. and lives by faith". phew.. what a day! (>,)

eniweiiii.. am grateful for today. it's true! we can neva understand GOD's mysterious plan for us.  
Neva question bout the plan, just walk by faith! (^o^)

"For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, 
“plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."
Jeremiah 29:11 - GOD's Word Translation


Forty Eight

hm.. been a week since my last post. 
dont have much to say today.. got bad headache attack for more than a week. fortunately, still could have my works done well. am grateful for that. 

not all things run as i'd like it to be.. but all is well. 

enuf for today, hopefully i can post sumthing tomorrow. really exhausted and not feeling well.. gotta prepare myself for my next projects and dont think i'll get enuf rest during the month ahead. >.<

*makasiiiih.. masi ada kerjaan, walo hectic banget rasanya.