Hellow semua.. :)
My thanks buat yang uda bikin blog ini..
To tell u the truth, I hesitated to join actually..
My life has not been the way I expected..
'n I find it quite hard to be grateful lately..
But then I forced myself to join..
so that I cud learn st frm all of u..
so that I cud actually force myself to think of st to be grateful of..
Its going to be a long post..
No worries..I'm not going to grumble..
just to share something I just learned yst..
I had a rendevouz with a friend yesterday..
She flew to SG to see doctors..
I din actually know wat happened to her..
as far as I know, she is very healthy..
She refused to tell me wat has happened thru FB..
dia blg nti ketemu gw ceritain deh..
then I said, 'Okay, I also had things to tell *read: complain to* you'
'n so we met and had a pleasant dinner..
Just to give u a profile, she's a very pleasant and cheerful girl..
She taught art in my previous school.. *wkt gw ngajar di jkt*
Then she told me about her story..
Ternyata dia sakit udah lama, dari kelas 5 sd..
Awalnya cuma karena alergi, matanya bengkak2..
Waktu ke dokter, turned out kata dokter tekanan matanya tinggi..
Org normal itu sekitar 20an..dia wkt itu lebih dari itu..
Jd dktr gak kasih dia obat anti alergi yang biasa, krn mengandung
steroid *or st else, im not good at chemistry* :p yang bisa
bikin tekanan matanya malah tambah tinggi..
Tp ortunya gak percaya, jadi dia dibawa ke dokter lain,
yg lgsg kasih dia obat alergi biasa..
Ternyata bis dari itu mata dia burem banget..
baliklah mrk ke dokter yang pertama..
waktu dicek ternyata tekanannya udah 50..
'n sarafnya byk yg udah rusak..
Ternyata dia hidup 14 taon *dari kelas 5 sd sampe skr*
dengan keadaan mata yang kaya' pake kacamata kuda..
jadi penglihatannya terbatas..
Dokter gak menganjurkan dia buat pegi2 sendiri..
biasa org spt dia gak bisa hidup mandiri..
Tp nyatanya dia bisa mandiri ampe skr..
Orang asal lampung, kuliah di bandung, kerja di Jakarta..
Dokter ampe bingung liat dia..
'n I also wont be aware of it kl dia gak cerita..
Memang seinget gw dia dulu suka kesandung2 kalo jalan..
but we just thought dat she's clumsy..
Dia dapet beasiswa ke Guangzhou 'n will be leaving end of this month..
Maka itu dia cek lagi ke Singapore untuk tau keadaan matanya gmn..
Kmrn dia cerita, dokter2 di Singapore semua marah2 liat kondisi mata dia..
Dia konsultasi ke 3 dokter di SG..
Dokter paling terkenal di sini ampe udah suruh dia prepare,
kalo mau pergi kemana2 mending pergi skr deh..
krn beberapa tahun ke depan dia pasti bisa BUTA..
'n there's nothing they can do about it, karena memang saraf udah rusak..
Can u imagine that..
Divonis buta..
She's so young..at the age of 25..
An art teacher..
YET, she's very brave..
She said, she still believe in God no matter wat..
Kalopun satu hari nanti gw buta, brarti itu yang terbaik dari Tuhan..
I was so stunned and speechless..
and when I look back to myself..
I feel so embarrassed..
Sptnya mslh gw gak ada apa2nya dibanding dia..
I learned something again yesterday..
Even though sometimes we find that life is not fair..
*which I often feel that*
we really shud learn to count our blessings..
Am sorry for the long post..
pdhl baru pertama kali..hahahha..
Hope it wud be a blessing to all of us..
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yesh it is indeed cniii,,,,
i cant bear this tear from droppingg :(
i'll pray for ur friendd huahh...
it's funny how sumtimes i myself often thot of 'what if one day i had a very bad sickness and else?' how will i react?
she is a very strong girl,,
God bless her..
and you too! GOD bless you cniii :))
jia you baaa!!!
mwahhh! thx for sharing thiss :)))
yay! a long 'grumbling' post is still accepted, as long as you still are grateful.
like this..
"Even though sometimes we find that life is not fair..
*which I often feel that*
we really shud learn to count our blessings.."
thx for sharing here, sis. ^^
@wif: yea..u and ur famous tears..:p
@c'uc: i din really grumble in my post u knoww..
yea.. i meant the next time you wanna grumble, it's still accepted. xp
huaish.*smbl geleng2 pala,tertunduk malu... :(
so blessed with your post, cirin.
temenmu hebat banget, aku salut dan bakal belajar untuk lebih kuat lagi dan berserah sama Tuhan (: (well, berserah sama menyerah beda banget :p)
GBU all (:
uhuks.. what a personality!!! Just by sharing that she had already blessed sooo manyy.. ckckck..
Be greatful alwayss.. :)
huahh... berkaca-kaca dirikuh membaca'ny.. huehue..
-- Even though sometimes we find that life is not fair..
*which I often feel that*
we really shud learn to count our blessings..--
**two thumbs up**
thanks bunda utk share'ny ^^,
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