
berkat yang jahat? Be gentle and humble of heart!

hum.. judul yg aneh yak? :p 
well.. tadiny mikir mo kasi judul yang mana. but then i decided to put it both.. karena berkaitan juga ma topiknya. 

bole dibilang.. this is 'theme of the month'. why do i say that? well.. if you see my post here, i put a bible verse from 2 chronicles 7:14. before i put it there, saw that verse on my social network wall. then, last sunday.. this verse also came out. put an underline in the sentence ".... will humble themselves, .. then I will hear their prayer from heaven, forgive their sins and ... " BINGO! it's talking bout a humble heart and blessing. :)

bbrapa minggu ni, kalimat2 ni muncul terus. ga akan berpanjang-lebar jelasin, tp intinya adalah GOD's will to bless you is bigger than your will to be blessed. so, sbenerny kita ga perlu 'bersusah-payah' buat minta berkat lebih. it's provided a'dy for us! but.. to gain that.. there's one condition: we've gotta have a 'new heart'! Why so? karena berkat bisa sekaligus menjadi ujian, berkat menjadi berkat yang jahat waktu kita ga siap untuk nerima berkat itu. For example.. pemenang lotere mendapat berkat dari kemenangannya itu. tapi kala hatinya ga siap buat nerima berkat itu, akhirny berkat menjadi ujian.. mungkin duluny dia ga suka berjudi, jadi berjudi. ga suka mabuk2an, skrg ga bs lepas dr botol minuman keras.. and so on.. and so on. the blessing becomes an evil blessing. untuk bisa 'siap nrimo' berkat, we shud have a gentle and humble of heart.

brapa hari lalu, i posted sumthing here, bout abundant blessing i've gotten. well, it surely is the thing which GOD has prepared for me. for it's what i need not what i want. then today.. sumthing happened.. the abundant blessing became 'evil'. disadari ato ga.. sepertinya 'what i need is becoming what i want'. am not 'ready' for this blessing. jd kyk OKB deh.. *halah* >.< then i rememba my status i posted this morning, "juli, be gentle and humble of heart'" wew.. beneran deh.. masa langsung diuji gitu yak? @.@ asli loh.. begitu inget tu status, jd kepikir, koq bisa yaaaa.. pasang status itu? eniwei.. maybe it's also part of the BIG PLAN that had been prepared for me. ^^

right now, by the time am writing this.. pikiran masi rada kacau balau.. tata bahasa jd brantakan *harapmaklum*. niwei.. i learn sumthing today.. that GOD has provided blessings for me, i dont have to ask for more. 

c'mooon.. 一定要加油, 幼丝!


:a: :b: :c: :d: :e: :f: :g: :h: :i: :j: :k: :l: :m: :n:

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