
Day #164 of 2013

been long time since the last time i wrote here. feel sorry for that; guess it felt a lil quiet around and a bit "lonely" here, for there's no one (or very less people) write here. cant even rememba why this blog was made to be a group-blog, not a private blog :s 

well.. anyway, life's been up and down these past years. and actually lately dont feel quite good :( just got home an hour ago after a long 13 working hours. not feeling well, physically and mentally, exhausted, disappointed, mix feelings all in one. not in the best time to say how grateful i am, huh? :s

anyway, like i said before, "there's always a reason to give thanks." guess i just wanna say 
"makasiiii.. finally this hectic day is over and am on my bed now" 

yea, just a short gratitude, yet i do mean it. after all, it's easier to give thanks when things came as you wish for; but true grateful comes from a broken heart, right?

speak no more now..


:a: :b: :c: :d: :e: :f: :g: :h: :i: :j: :k: :l: :m: :n:

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