
Day Ninety Five

05.04.11, 00.36AM

fiuuuh.. mang perlu disiplin utk lakuin sgala sesuatu yah.. even just to write a simple note a day on this blog. >.< sorry.. life's quite 'hot' lately; too many thoughts that i cant even think of anything clearly.

and now.. while am writing this, am thinking what shud i be thankful about. for i was just crying.. yeap.. it's hard to feel grateful when your heart is in disguise. hmm.. well.. guess i'll just give thanks for one thing;

"am grateful for every person that eva came and be part of my life.
my life would neva be the same without them.. special people."


Day Ninety


waaa.. been almost two weeks since my last post. >.< 
oh, well.. many things happened, tough and hard days.. but am glad am over it now. really, it's not easy to be grateful during your hard times. doesnt mean you dont have anything to be grateful of, yet still.. the heart wouldnt compromised to feel the gratitude. *huff

today, am reminded again.. with this message,
"gratitude is good.. 
the more you are thankful for, the more you will have to be thankful for. 
God responds to a grateful heart with joy"

sooo.. am back to my first commitment, to say at least a reason a day to give thanks. *hopefully this time there will be no reason for me not to have gratitude. :p #remind me, fellows! :D

b-gr8ful! \(^o^)/


Day Seventy Eight


it's always a sorrow to see the person we really care bout is feeling blue, and you can do nothing bout it. *sigh.. but am grateful, at least i'm given the chance to be around.. to show that i do care. 

"dear Father, thank You for this chance.. 
please give us strength to take courage and move on."


Day Seventy Seven


it's a very hot day! cant stand the heat! am grateful, finally the day will thru soon. tho it's still a bit hot tonight, at least a bit colder than before. 
nitez, all..


Day Seventy Six


hum.. what shud i say today? 
it's a very hot day, but my head's still cold. that's great! am grateful for that. 

Day Seventy Five


waa.. hari ni asli exhausted banget! kena panas, kedinginan pas ujan, stuck gara2 genangan air selutut. cakep bener dah! >.<

niwei, learned sum good things gara2 stuck itu. baru nyadar, klo tnyata ga smua org jkt tuh individualismeny tinggi. di saat2 menyebalkan karna nungguin motor yg mogok, tnyata masi ada org2 yg mo nolong tanpa pamrih. how relieving! :)

"thank You, Father.. for what i've learned today. 
indeed; LOVE definitely is a VERB!"


Day Seventy Four


dunno how to say it, but i feel grateful for 'an angel' GOD sent me. 

"thank You, Father.. for reminding me that I AM LOVED!"